Thrown in the slammer!
Over the years, Teen Mom has exposed viewers to teenage pregnancy, love and loss, and a whole lot of drug addiction. Addiction seems to be a common thing regardless of the season of Teen Mom, and it’s touched everyone from the Moms to their partners to their extended families — and MTV’s cameras haven’t shied away from capturing them using drugs during over the years!
Unfortunately, there’s one thing that seems to go hand-in-hand with drug addiction: jail time. We’ve seen that firsthand as some of the cast has spent time behind bars thanks to their struggles with substance abuse. For those who haven’t managed to beat their addiction, it’s no surprise that jail time is still a concern that looms overhead.
This Teen Mom star has proved exactly that. Although it seemed that they had overcome their addiction and were on the path to a stable life, they’re behind bars once again for drug addiction.

Credit: MTV