Oh, the conversations that go on while driving
Leah’s Messy Habits
Leah Messer is probably doing better with keeping her car clean after an this incident. Her husband at the time, Jeremy, said while driving their car, “If we have a wreck, the amount of s**t in this god d**ned car is going to kill these kids.” A backpack soon enough hit one of the kids in the head.
Chelsea Let’s It Slip
Chelsea and Cole were adamant about keeping their baby’s gender a secret until their big reveal, but on the way to her bachelorette party, Chelsea said her baby will wear “little suspenders.”
Kailyn and Javi Fight
We’ve witnessed Kailyn physically assault her now ex-husband a few times, but the only thing hurt in this case was the car. Kailyn and Javi were driving and arguing about her friend. Javi was eating while he was driving and hit something in the road which flattened their tire.