Ryan did check himself into rehab in late May 2017, but he married Mackenzie in an expedited ceremony just days before.
Ryan told his mother about his strange wedding: “It don’t matter if there are a hundred people or two people. It just matters as long as we love each other. It just matters as long as we love each other. Just think it’s best for Bentley.”
Though Makenzie did her best to shut down any negativity about the wedding, it stirred up a huge controversy last May when Ryan was filmed driving high on the way to the ceremony. Mackenzie noticed something was wrong with her fiancé right before their (first) wedding.
When she realized Ryan was swerving, she tried to straighten out the wheel. Then she asked, “Why are you swerving?”
Ryan responded, “My eyes, babe, in the sunlight I can’t keep ’em open.”