Farrah Admits She’s “Not Allowed” to talk to Simon Anymore Because of Sophia

at 4:46 pm | By

Sophia's calling the shots!

Farrah Abraham’s daughter, Sophia, is eight years old already. Like most eight-year-olds, it seems like she’s got something of an attitude. It’s not surprising that Sophia would want to call the shots, considering who raised her, but now it looks like Sophia’s wishes might actually be the determining factor for some of Farrah’s upcoming plans, as well as some of her relationships!

There’s no question that Farrah isn’t exactly on good terms with her mother Debra Danielsen or her most recent ex Simon Saran. Fans have been watching from the sidelines to see what will eventually happen between Farrah and her burning bridges, but now it looks like Sophia has weighed in with her two cents about how she thinks her mother should act.

farrah and sophia 2

Source: Instagram @farrah__abraham
