Kids learn from their parents' actions...
I’m not even going to try to break down everything wrong about this statement, but I will say this: The problem isn’t “America” being “too sensitive,” the problem is that Nathan Griffith is a bully. And honestly, I don’t think people were “offended”—they were disgusted that a grown man would behave that way, which is not the same thing.
No one cares, Nathan
No to mention that they were looking out for a woman who didn’t have the chance to look out for herself. He took and posted her picture to a very public forum without her consent. While he was having a laugh at her expense, she was becoming the center of a scandal without her knowledge. That’s not cool, especially because he is a celebrity (kind of). When he posts something to Snapchat, thousands of people see it.
Most importantly, though, no one asked him.
Let me say that again for the people in the back.
No one asked him.
Come on!
That’s the real heart of this issue. It’s just in poor taste to comment negatively on other people’s appearances, especially that of complete strangers. He doesn’t know that woman, he doesn’t know her life. It’s just not his business. It’s hard enough for people to feel comfortable at the gym, no one wants to worry about being shamed for trying when they’re working out—least of all someone who works there.