Farrah refused to let crew members use the restroom in her home, and then insisted on removing porta-potties that MTV put on-site. Furthermore, she banned the crew from wearing shoes inside, which might sound reasonable if Farrah did not bring a miniature horse into her foyer!
Farrah was unsympathetic to Morgan’s concerns. “If that’s overwhelming for you, I’m sure there’s a better way of handling it,” she says in the clip.
“Out of nine moms, you’re the only one that’s the problem,” Morgan responds.
“I’m not difficult!” Farrah insists. “I am so understanding, I work my a** off just like everyone.” That’s where the clip ends.
In the context of her abusive tirades, MTV’s decision to fire Farrah became clearer to everyone involved. So how do producers plan on replacing their most outspoken OG mom? Everyone has had an opinion about who should be the newTeen Mom OG.