Source: Instagram @leahdawn92mtv
Shortly after, Leah began dating Jeremy Calvert, the father of her third child, Adalynn Faith. They married, but it fell apart quickly.
When Leah’s twin daughters were less than a year old, she began to notice something different about the way her daughter, Ali, was developing. She came to realize that Ali had a condition affecting her growth. Ali was soon diagnosed with Titin muscular dystrophy, a rare form of the disorder that had never been seen before in a child so young. Even though Leah was heartbroken about her condition, she’s managed to stay strong and maintain hope with her daughter.
As Ali gets older, she and Leah must stay vigilant about the changing needs of her condition. In the last season of Teen Mom 2, we’ve watched heartbreaking moments of Leah explaining to Ali that she needs to use her helmet and wheelchair and that these differences make her strong.
Credit: MTV
Source: Snapchat @leah92dawnmtv
Leah has often posted about how proud she is of her daughter and her strength facing her diagnosis. In order to best treat her muscular dystrophy, Ali has had to undergo years of testing. That included an overnight stay in the hospital.
“She’s so over these tests,” Leah captioned a shot of Ali in the back seat on the way to the hospital. “Bless her heart, My baby is soooo tired.”
Still, Ali stayed strong when they arrived at the hospital. She and her mother smiled for a picture during the process. “I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I would change the world for you!” Leah captioned the photo, adding, “#hope #love #mdwontstopher #mommyandme #mygirl #myworld #mybestfriend.”
Leah later shared a picture of Ali settling in for the night. “Sleeppy baby,” she wrote as Ali got her much-deserved rest away from home.