Kailyn Lowry has had some hard times in her life, and now she’s opening up about another one.
As many fans know, Kailyn experienced a miscarriage when she was married to Javi Marroquin, but now she’s revealed that she experienced another miscarriage more recently.
She discussed the experience on her podcast with Vee Rivera, Baby Mamas No Drama, and we were shocked by what she had to say…including who the father of the baby was.
Credit: Bennett Raglin/Stringer/Getty Images
Back in 2016, Kailyn opened up about the miscarriage she experienced with her then-husband, Javi Marroquin.
“MTV and the producers were very sensitive to the situation and just understood that I wasn’t necessarily ready to talk about it as soon as it happened,” she told People. “They kind of just gave me my time to grieve, and when I was ready and felt like I was comfortable talking about it, I did.”
At the time, she knew that it was important for her to be open about the experience.
“I know that there are people that are going to talk about it, but I think at the end of the day I’m going to help more people by [being open] about it, so that’s what kind of keeps me going through the whole thing,” she told the outlet.
“I’ve had a ton of people … saying that they can relate, they’ve been through it,” Kail said after the season’s trailer had aired. “Even ones that can’t relate, you know, they’re just very sympathetic towards the situation.”
And seven years ago, Kailyn held on to the belief that “everything happens for a reason.”
“I like to think that everything kind of happened for a reason – I’m not really sure what the reason was yet for that, but I’m just constantly reminding myself that there was a reason why this happened,” she told the outlet. “So, I don’t know, I guess we’ll see how everything plays out when I rewatch it.”
But now, Kail’s opening up about another miscarriage she experienced with a different man! On her and Vee’s podcast, Kailyn explained what happened between her and Chris Lopez.
She started off by addressing the fact that things between her and Chris have always been complicated.
“For the listeners who do not understand my wanting to include Chris in things or wanting to have a second child by him… what is it about relationships with men or relationships in general,” she said. “It could be with women I guess or having children with him, whatever that looks like, and still wanting to include them even though they’ve made us cry, they’ve broken up with us, they’ve done x,y, or z, lie, they do whatever… and we want them to be involved with these children that we’re having.”
Kailyn then revealed that Chris has actually gotten her pregnant three times.
“I ended up pregnant not once, not twice, but Chris and I had a miscarriage before,” she explained. “Through all the s**t, maybe he would pick me kinda… not pick me over the child… like not in a way like I’m going to get pregnant so he loves me… I am pregnant so maybe this kinda will open his eyes.”
But as we all know, that’s not how things have played out in their relationship.