“She needs to stop trying to make Chris and her happen. I’m not convinced he’s suddenly in love with her. This smells of a desperate woman,” chimed in slowdancequeen. “Attention seeking at it’s finest,” agreed nextotherone. “Like d*mn girl, just save it til the school year and give it to a parent you know. There’s no reason to put this sh*t on twitter – besides mentioning Chris. Hard eye roll!”
But this isn’t the only reason that fans think she and Chris have worked things out.
Remember Kailyn’s friend Bone? It’s pretty hard to forget her odd name, but she also made quite a splash when she threatened to fight Briana at the Teen Mom 2 reunion. There’s nothing more ride or die than that, right? Well, as it turns out, Bone recently hopped off the Kailyn train, and even unfollowed Kail on Twitter. When fans began to wonder why their relationship went downhill, Bone revealed why — because Kailyn got back with Chris!
“Maybe [they aren’t friends anymore because Kailyn] and Chris are bumping hideous uglies again, and Bone was the one by her side thru it all. AN honest friend to [Kailyn, and Kailyn] chose that [piece of sh*t] instead of real friendship. Typical Kailyn,” wrote a fan on Twitter. Bone responded confirming all of the accusations, writing, “It’s like you were there.”
Bone later made it even more obvious this was the case. She retweeted a tweet that reads “Ur a fake a** friend if u don’t help ur girls get over a guy, even if it’s for the 32nd time.” Bone added, “Your friend is fake as f*ck if they don’t listen to your advice for the 32nd time.”