Leah vs. Everybody
She Covers Herself
But fans were quick to point out that Jenelle’s tweets weren’t measuring up to the reason she gave in the clip. According to Jenelle, she left the set because she wasn’t feeling well. She covered it up quickly:
“I was sick because I had acid reflux/heartburn from not eating. No one cared cuz I asked for food for 3 hours and wasn’t allowed to leave. I had acid reflux because I was pregnant. Had it every day until I delivered. Even made me throw up like crazy.”
Leah Chimes In
Coincidentally, Chelsea wasn’t feeling well at the reunion, either. So she had to bow out early. But Leah cut her some slack. In a sneak peek on MTV’s website, Leah was asked what she thought of the madness that happened earlier with Leah and Chelsea.
“Chelsea’s sick. I do not blame her, she is carrying a child she needs to go ahead,” she said. But when it came to Jenelle, her answer was very different. “Jennelle: she gets paid for this, she should be here.”
Jenelle Claps Back
Once Jenelle saw the clip via Twitter, she tweeted Leah her thoughts. “@TM2LeahDawn damn tell me how you really feel! Haha, I was sick and pregnant with heart burn. You know nothing you’re right so don’t comment,” she said. Leah hasn’t responded… yet.
But it looks like Jenelle was on a roll. She also went at Chelsea Houska’s dad, Randy. And we’re still wondering why…