David then started his own Go Fund Me page to raise money in the custody battle. In the description of the fundraiser he writes, “my ex is holding me back from seeing my son under every and any circumstance for no legit reason.”
He says he pays child support and has been struggling to make ends meet because of rumors that have been circulating about him.
She’s falsely charged me and everything has been dropped. She filed a no contact order just to keep me from seeing my son by law. Even though there is a current order in place she still refuses my phone calls and texts for me to be able to speak to my son, Kaden. She refuses all visitation. I have not done anything wrong to deserve this towards my son. I do not abuse children as she claims.
He concludes his Go Fund Me description by doubling down on his defense.
“It’s very hard to maintain the life we live with all the false information being spread around about myself and being a well-known public figure. I would appreciate all the help and support I can get just to obtain full custody or visitation rights.”
As of the time of writing, Olivia’s page has raised around $3,752 of her $5,000 goal. Her page claims that she is “completely concerned for my son’s safety, physically and mentally.”
She specifically alludes to David and Jenelle in the post.
Domestic violence including 911 calls, animal cruelty in which case a dog was beaten and shot, and much more has all been mentioned to of happened at the Eason home.
If you have questions on who this man may be, please don’t hesitate to do your research. He is married to the Teen Mom star, JE.
Please help me to keep my baby safe. Every donation will be greatly appreciated and will be used to pay my attorney to get through this.