This post seemed to make it clear that Jenelle was filming for MTV again, until fans noticed that her shirt looked familiar. Turns out that it’s the same look she wore to filming… back in 2016. So unless Jenelle is guilty of some pretty obvious outfit repeating, it looks like she just started rumors purposely or accidentally by sharing this image.
With that said, it does appear to be true that Jenelle recently flew up to New York City, leading some to believe she could have filmed for MTV. On Oct. 26, The Ashley revealed that Jenelle had taken a trip to the city.
But one of the outlet’s sources claimed this was not the case. “[A higher up] from MTV contacted Jenelle and requested a meeting with her,” the source shared. “They kept telling Jenelle that she is still under contract, and that they wanted to talk to her about possibly returning to the show, so she flew up there.”
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