They have a huge battle ahead of them!
David’s behavior recently lost him his job on Teen Mom 2 after he went on a homophobic tirade on Twitter. “David Eason’s personal comments do not reflect the views of MTV. With six weeks left of production on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him,” read a statement by MTV released Feb. 20. In fact, Jenelle may also be at risk of losing her Teen Mom stardom! Olivia used this to her advantage in her custody filing.
“The Defendant was recently fired from Teen Mom 2 for making homophobic comments on social media and he has suffered backlash from the public as a result of his comments,” she pointed out. She added, “The defendant does not appear to understand his behavior will adversely affect Kaden and his reputation for his entire life.”
The case is still up in the air, and the Clerk of Court informed Radar that the case was continued until April.
What do you think about these court filings? Does David have a chance to get custody of his son? Let us know in the comments and SHARE this article!