He's filling fans in!
Javi Marroquin’s relationship with Briana DeJesus is a Teen Mom hookup that will go down in history. Even though their relationship only lasted a few months, it’ll be years before anyone forgets how much drama it stirred up in the Teen Mom cast as well as the fanbase. But recently, things got even more complicated.
It seemed that things were already a bit messy when Javi started dating his ex-wife’s co-star. But an unexpected pregnancy can make anything even messier!
Now that Javi’s new girlfriend Lauren Comeau is pregnant, it looks like the storyline can’t possibly get any more confusing… unless you add cheating into the mix.
Now, Javi is explaining exactly what went down with him and Briana — and if he was unfaithful.
Be sure to keep reading to check out a sneak peak of Teen Mom 2!