“Girl you are still young. Slow down and wait for a better dude to come along. Fix your relationship issues and then you will catch a [decent] guy,” wrote learningtoloveit1 on reddit. User emily3eee went off, writing, “Seriously, who gives a shit if you want more kids, Kail. Honestly. Every time she mentions this I just want TM to be over, I’m so not here for it. We all know she’s gonna do all the batsh*t crazy things she wants to anyway, regardless of opinion. How ’bout trying to have a STABLE relationship with a partner before bringing another kid into the world, Jesus. Or better yet, focus on yourself and the 3 kids you already do have.”
Others stood up for Kailyn. “This is a shockingly mature response,” wrote Vivi_Uteri. User Annabananna1 wrote, “It’s almost like women can change their minds about stuff!” User ktrekker related, “I do the same thing ALL the time. My kids keep me up all night=no more kids! They do something adorable=maybe one more!”
But surprisingly, many fans believe the only reason Kailyn is saying she doesn’t want more kids is because she’s back together with her third baby daddy Chris!
“It’s to make Chris feel safe. She’ll try and trap him again. Mark my words,” theorized MiserableRush. User SubliminationStation wrote, “Of f*cking course she’s saying this. She’s back to sleeping with Chris. She’s gotta get him to let his guard down so she can have 2 kids by the same dad. I mean it’s not like Chris could EVER leave her if she has TWO kids by him…….”
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