Farrah couldn't stay quiet for long!
In the Meantime…
Since then, insults have been traded on both sides, but after a while it was old news and not a lot new was happening… But now we know that it wasn’t because the hard feelings were reconciled. No, no. It was just because they weren’t being scheduled for interviews and other appearances during the hiatus because, damn.
They do not seem to be on better terms.
The Feud Continues
The newest chapter in the saga began yesterday when People released a new interview with Catelynn and Amber in which they held nothing back when talking about Abraham. The reality stars took turns voicing their real opinions, most of which were really harsh.
Amber’s biggest punch was probably saying that Farrah was “not a strong woman,” and that the one word that described Abraham would be “sadness,” while Catelynn said that she thinks that Farrah needs “severe counseling” in order to help herself.
Wow, okay. Don’t hold back, ladies.