Oh, Farrah. When will she learn?
Too Far!
Seriously, who says that about a kid? Especially when there are legitimate concerns that should be taken up with her mother.
While I don’t usually think it’s my place to comment on what a child of any age should or should not be wearing, in this case… I actually have to hop on board with the criticisms. The commenters with legitimate concerns about what they were seeing actually have a point — Farrah shouldn’t be letting Sophia wear heels, especially on a normal day.
And, no. This isn’t just a “let her be a kid/act her age” thing.
Throwback Controversy
Some of you may remember a few years ago when a scandal arose over then-toddler Suri Cruise sporting kitten-heels as she hit the town with her famous parents. Numerous doctors weighed in and all with the same conclusion — little kids shouldn’t be wearing heels at that age (nor should they be wearing them for many years after that).
While I normally don’t buy into any “girls shouldn’t be wearing that” hoopla, this is actually a medically based concern rather than a socio-cultural one, and I can get on board with that.
The Dangers of Heels
See, the aversion to children in heels isn’t just about “being proper” or “dressing their age,” it’s about childhood growth and development. Many experts say that parents should wait until their children are 12 or 13 years old before allowing them to wear heels for extended periods of time (i.e. as actual footwear rather than for dress-up purposes).
This is due to the malleability of growing bones — the unnatural pressure that the heel puts on different parts of the foot can actually cause foot deformities that can impede comfortable walking and affect their gait in the future. Back problems are also a concern. It’s a very serious issue.