We have to talk about Starburst
Immediate Backlash
When she first announced that Staburst had joined the family in December of last year (it seems impossible that it was that recent, but, it was), Abraham’s Facebook followers were anything but supportive.
Fans began sharing their concerns for the horse’s well-being from the get go, telling Farrah to keep in mind that Starburst might be small, but she is far from a house-pet.
Continued Criticism
Over the ensuing months, Farrah has met resistance at every turn for the way she cares for the horse. Viewers have been outraged about the decision to have Starburst live in the backyard, that the horse has been seen inside Farrah’s home on numerous occasions, and because Starburst has been dressed up and painted for different events.
Mostly, though, people have been keeping an eye on what kind of health Starburst seems to be in—and many, many of them claim that she looks bad. Like, really bad.
Another Controversy
The most recent Starburst posts came this weekend on both Farrah and Sophia’s Instagram pages: Commenters who claim to have experience raising horses of all kinds have unequivocally said that Starburst looks to be in danger—or at least showing signs that she isn’t being cared for the way that she needs to be.