Are we only getting part of their stories?
Longer Conversation
Chelsea tweeted, “Crabby in the scene [with] my mom BUT they left out the convo [before] this where she kept talking about Aubs dad in front of her. Then I just felt like she was pushing the ‘new dad’ stuff and Aubs was uncomfortable.”
She wasn’t the only person who had an issue with the latest episode. Kailyn tweeted to Chelsea to explain that they left out too much information about her boys being upset as well.
No More Family
Fans who aren’t quite over Kailyn’s divorce were sad to see Kail’s oldest child Isaac crying when his younger half-brother Lincoln was going to stay with Javi. Lincoln said, “I really don’t want him to go.”
But this wasn’t just an overnight stay that Isaac wasn’t invited to, and Kailyn filled us in on the details.
Family Vacation
“Lincoln was going to Guatemala for a week,” explained Kailyn on Twitter. She also tweeted to Chelsea, “They left out the fact that Linc was going to another country too…” It would be hard for a person who isn’t blood or legally-related to a child to take him abroad.