“Jeez. Why would you let her drink fkn coffee. You do know they sell hot chocolate, right???” wrote user @karrahtomakyo13 on Instagram. User @crissy_19xx wrote, “Give her hot chocolate not coffee 😂 what kind of mother are you?!”
But others stood up for Briana. “Better for her than some sugary a** juice and it’s her child let her parent the way she wants!!!!!!” wrote user @qteepie77. User @shortysweetestlove wrote, “Hispanic parents let their kids drink coffee. Ive been since like 9 and im fine.”
On reddit, the conversation was similar. “My kid has been drinking coffee since he was 4 and I worked at Starbucks.. Not a big deal. Soda also has caffeine,” wrote user fluffy_bunny22. User Alreadya wrote, “caffeine is a drug and kids shouldn’t be having it. I’m Spanish and my parents Nor my family ever gave me caffeine so idk why people are saying that.”
But again, some said the exact opposite. “This is really common in the Hispanic community. I have tons of friends that have experienced this or was the adult giving the young child a sip. Stella isn’t drinking that entire cup, it’s most likely Briana or her sisters and Stella is just taking a sip. She’ll be ok,” user champagne-kisses wrote.
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