Things between Kailyn and Briana are getting pretty ugly, and it’s not much of a surprise to anyone in the Teen Mom fan base. When it comes to high-drama reality television celebrities, stepping on someone’s toes when it comes to dating and love is the best way to make enemies, and Briana DeJesus did just that. Around a year after Kailyn’s divorce from her second baby daddy Javi Marroquin, Briana and Javi started dating… and the rest of Kailyn and Briana’s feud is history.
Of course, it wasn’t long before Briana and Javi split up. After only a few short months of dating, it became clear that they had two different outlooks for their futures, and they parted ways. That should mean that all of the hatred between Kailyn and Briana should subside, right?
Not for these two. Even after the breakup, their feud continues to flare up, getting uglier than ever. Both of the cast members are cutting deep, including a 45+ tweet rant Briana went on targeting Kailyn specifically.

Credit: MTV