It's a difficult thing to admit to dealing with
Learning to Cope
While she has claimed to have bad days every now and then, Catelynn seems to be doing better emotionally. She said, “I’m doing very well, [I’m] two years out since birth. I feel really good. I had a panic attack this morning, but I worked through it. It’s just knowing the things you have to do to work through it, but yeah, I’m doing way better.”
Correct Meds
Amber adjusted to her new medications and has become a whole new person. “I’ve dealt with anxiety since I was young. That’s been my thing my whole life. I was recently diagnosed with borderline personality [disorder] and I have bi-polar. I was diagnosed with that probably when I was about 18-19 [years old]. So having all of those things is really hard and it’s hard to cope with.”
Finding Help
Amber believes that regular postpartum depression and a lifelong mental illness aren’t exactly the same thing. She said, “For me, there’s a difference with having depression and a mental disorder depression, because it literally comes on and stays, no matter what you do, until it’s done. So if you’re on medication for it, that’s the only way for you to really help and improve. I’ll be on medication for the rest of my life.”
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