“I just think that you got yourself into a situation with something that you can’t handle, and I think you’re confusing me with the other people you’ve attacked and already gotten cease and desists from many times. You’re probably going to go to your thing and say ‘This didn’t happen, that didn’t happen,’ but if you want to lie to your followers again and keep on lying to your followers, just like you said you wasn’t going to talk about me [and] just like you said you weren’t going to sell anything and put out anything anymore, well you did.”
Katie Joy apparently claimed Amber was talking directly to her when she said “I know your address.”
TMZ revealed that Katie hasn’t filed a police report “because she’s not sure what cops in Minnesota — where she lives — would be able to do.”
However, if Amber faces legal charges as a result of this, fans think it could have some serious criminal ramifications, since it may mean that Amber would be violating her probation. And TMZ reports that Amber’s probation officer has been “alerted” to the incident.
Fans are divided on where they think this incident might go.
“They’re not threats. Telling someone you will take legal action isn’t a threat. Especially when they’re guilty and scramble and start submitting shit through a different outlet. Y’all are just sour because I guess you liked watching 1 hour long videos of poor footage and her staring off center into the camera. Honestly I don’t know how she ever gained much traction in this sub. She’s subpar,” wrote user Whatprophetssay on reddit. User Pow1987heels agreed, “What threats were made? All I heard was pretty much amber is sending her a c&d or something. I heard no threat. Seems to me krazy Katie is trying to poke the bear and then cry she was assaulted and put amber in jail.”
User Coleatemycereal wrote, “Amber is crazy, crystal ball is an attention seeker, what could go wrong? How long has Amber been on probation? 2 weeks? Iwonder how those parenting classes are going.”
User GreenWhiteSilver theorized,
I know I’m going to be down voted. I’m not a crystal ball fan, but if the source (Andrew/ Andrew’s family) went directly to tmz themselves instead of crystal ball, Amber wouldn’t be on live telling tmz that she knows how much they need the money, she knows where the tmz office is etc. Amber is picking on Crystal ball because she feels like she can. Crystal ball should have advised Andrew to go to tmz with everything he had and wanted to be released. It’s clear that Andrew wants Amber off teen mom and if he went to a big outlet like tmz he may have had a better chance of accomplishing that.