Since the first episode of Teen Mom aired in 2009, the show has changed quite a bit. Many original members of the Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 cast have been fired, and new faces have been added to the cast. Now it looks like there’s yet another new face in the Teen Mom universe.
MTV took the world by storm when it launched the Teen Mom franchise back in 2009. Since then, the network has cashed in on its controversial franchise by launching several spinoffs, including Teen Mom 2 and the show’s UK equivalent, Teen Mum.
In 2018, MTV gave us yet another show when it launched Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant. A mixture of Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, the show followed girls ranging from their late teens to their early twenties as they struggled with unplanned pregnancies.
The show was so successful that one of the cast members, Jade Cline, recently made the transition to Teen Mom 2 to fill the hole that Jenelle Evans left when she was fired from the show.
Now, MTV has hired two new teenage mothers, Rachel and Kaiya, who are already stirring up rumors in the franchise.
MTV recently gave a sneak peek of the two moms, who will make their debut on Oct. 22.
The first new mom, Kaiya Elliott, gave birth to her first child in December 2018. She gave birth while she was dating a woman named Teazha, and her baby daddy is unfortunately out of the picture. According to sleuthing by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, her baby daddy is currently in jail.
Rachel Beaver has a daughter named Hazelee, and although her baby daddy may be a man named Jay, it turns out things may not be that clear cut. In fact, she’s thinks the father may be a man by the name of Drew. Meanwhile, she’s in a relationship with another man named Koty. Fans went wild on reddit and are excited about the amount of drama that Rachel’s storyline promises.
“I just found it interesting that she mentioned the two dudes she thought could be the baby’s dad were named Drew and Jacob. She said she hoped it was Jacob’s because he would be more involved. No sign of either of them on her page. This dude’s name is Koty and… yeah… he looks like a winner,” wrote reddit user SpiritualCamera. User phaedraine wrote, “Only DNA knows the truth.”
One fan even did some sleuthing on Facebook and spotted someone accusing Koty of being a thief!
“Y’all both thieves?” someone wrote on Rachel’s Facebook post of a selfie with her man.
Rachel replied, “I don’t know you or nun bout you honey so why you coming at me with all your unnecessary drama.”
The Facebook commenter wrote, “[Koty] wanted to block me and I wanted my money back. I told his daddy too.”
Rachel replied, “Okay well tell him. Not me. Not my problem. Nor my daughters so quit commenting on sh*t about us.”
The woman replied, “Pass on the message thanks.”
“Oh my gawwwdddd Jenelle 2.0 for sure,” reddit user SpiritualCamera commented on the fiasco, adding, “she really is straight up trash. She’s flicking off the camera with her tongue out in a million selfies on her page. I can’t wait to see the drama this girl brings. And her family reminds me of the Baltierra’s.”