You don't say!
He’s Huge!
“I didn’t even see his face, but I remember thinking to myself, ‘Oh my god, this guy is huge. He’s gotta be the biggest guy in the school.'” A week later, they were officially introduced when Amber was home sick from school and Shawn and Gary came over.
In the Beginning
One day, Gary “came looking for Shawn” which was really just an excuse to come see Amber (Gary had just dropped Shawn off at work). This part of the book really shows how in love the two were.
Something Special
Fans on Teen Mom only see the estranged relationship between the two but, “He played the guitar for me. I love a man with a guitar, but he was very, very good. He’s probably the best guitar player out of any of the guys I’ve been around. The way he plays is just so gentle, and he has a beautiful singing voice. […] We had something special.”
Amber also admitted that the two were both virgins before meeting each other.