Credit: MTV
We. Are. Teen. Mom. Obsessed!! OK, there it is, we said it (and feel much better having that out in the open.) If you’re just as addicted to everything TM as we are, you’ve come to the right place. All the drama, all the updates, and all the underground cast pics and vids you want to see. Teen Mom ‘til you drop on Teen Mom Talk Now!
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Waverly Black
Waverly Black is a twenty-something born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Between starting a conversation with every cat she meets and binge watching Netflix, she manages to keep up with the trendiest topics, whether it’s lifestyle, social movements, or Teen Mom. Since graduating college, Waverly has found herself with ample spare time on her hands. She fills this with jogging, yoga, and rereading Harry Potter. She also has an intense fascination with horror in all its forms, and has seen more horror movies than most people would care to admit. When she can, she likes to cook adventurous recipes that she only burns a little bit. One day, Waverly envisions herself living in a sprawling house with a white picket fence, raising rescued farm animals. Yeah, she likes cows and chickens THAT much. In the meantime, she’s keeping her nose to the grindstone and trying to produce the kind of content she’d like to read. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading it too! You can catch up with her on Twitter @TeenMomTalkNow.